Energizing efficiency brands.

Avoid being mistaken as a spammer


Avoid being mistaken as a spammer
by candice kollar

I received an an email today from a fellow volunteer for a green building industry nonprofit. It included a request to send out a PDF flyer attachment for an upcoming event to our network. The sender, who I do not know personally, signed the email with her initials only. She did not include the name of the organization we both work for, or her role. She also suggested we look at a Facebook link in the body of the email.

Because we all are on the lookout for spammers and, without knowing that she was tasked to communicate with me on behalf of the organization we both support, I felt uncertain about clicking on the link or downloading the flyer.

After going to all the effort it takes to create a PDF flyer, make sure it takes flight. If you are sending a promotional notice or PDF via email, clearly identify yourself and your organization. That way your message will be received with enthusiasm your network will feel confident that it is safe to download your attachment, look at the link and get the word out.