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Category Archives: Health


Our thoughts make the World

Our thoughts make the World
by candice 6618 views

There is a little sign in my closet that I look at when I’m getting dressed. It’s been up there for years so I don’t notice it every day. But from time to time, it catches my eye. Through ups and downs, it’s meaning has grown deeper for me. It reads, “Our thoughts make the World.” Since […]

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We’ve evolved. Behavior change is the name of the game.

We’ve evolved. Behavior change is the name of the game.
by candice 7252 views

“The cornerstone of both sustainability and health is behavior change. If we are to move toward a sustainable and healthy future we must encourage the adoption of a multitude of actions (e.g., water and energy efficiency, waste reduction, pollution prevention, active lifestyles, hand washing, childhood immunization, etc.). To date, most programs to encourage such activities […]

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Report from Blue Mountain Toxic Reduction Retreat II

Report from Blue Mountain Toxic Reduction Retreat II
by candice 4561 views

Pictured: Karen Burbano (Google eTeam), Arlene Blum (Founder, Executive Director, Green Science Policy Institute), Alex Stone (Senior Chemist, Safer Chemical Alternatives, Washington Dept. of Ecology), Roger McFadden (Vice President, Senior Scientist, Staples), Therese Holgrom (Chemical Team Leader, IKEA of Sweden) at Blue Mountain Retreat II …

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