Energizing efficiency brands.

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How we are making a bigger difference by crawling under desks

How we are making a bigger difference by crawling under desks
by candice 4470 views

What are those things you might ask. If you didn’t recognize them, they are plug load tracking devices, Power Ports made by Enmetrics. We are installing them as part of a LEED v.4 EBOM pilot project at Stopwaste.org’s LEED Platinum building in downtown Oakland …

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Avoid being mistaken as a spammer

Avoid being mistaken as a spammer
by candice 2696 views

I received an an email today from a fellow volunteer for a green building industry nonprofit. It included a request to send out a PDF flyer attachment for an upcoming event to our network. The sender, who I do not know personally, signed the email with her initials only. She did not include the name of the organization we both work for …

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Build your brand or what I learned in 20 years about strutting your stuff.

Build your brand or what I learned in 20 years about strutting your stuff.
by candice 2528 views

Know who you are as an organization.
Define your brand in writing or you’ll go off course.
Be able to articulate it clearly …

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How to design our way out of our climate problems: 2030 Palette. Now live, and FREE.

How to design our way out of our climate problems: 2030 Palette. Now live, and FREE.
by candice 2327 views

What could be more timely? Ed Masria is a great visionary of our times. View the intro video then spread this around the world …

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Businesses call on Obama to implement Climate Action Plan

Businesses call on Obama to implement Climate Action Plan
by candice 2164 views

On the one year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, major U.S. companies have united to petition the President to implement the Climate Action Plan announced on June 25. “By working together, the private and public sectors can improve climate preparedness while building a stronger economy and more resilient communities …

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Raising the floor while pushing the boundaries–We need both

Raising the floor while pushing the boundaries–We need both
by candice 2075 views

Unlike LEED, BREEAM and other voluntary green building rating systems, codes hold the potential to bring green building into everyone’s everyday practice. That’s huge. So, while some are doing the essential work of pushing the sexier boundaries of green building with Zero Net Energy and Living Building Challenge buildings …

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