Regenerative Network identifies leading green building product manufacturers and service providers (Network members) and unites them with qualified buyers and leading industry AEC and Real Estate professionals (Network Affiliates) to accelerate both market transformation and business returns. Founded by David Gottfried, founder of the U.S. and World Green Building Councils, the Network has clout. It was building a prestigious member group. But a disconnect existed between the credibility of the organization’s Founder and Members and the sophistication of their visual image and message. David Gottfried was clear on the concept, but Regenerative Network had not defined itself or its voice as an organization.
Our strategy experts led Gottfried and executive-level staff to consensus on a core set of brand attributes aligned with the organization’s mission, goals and style. In a collaborative effort with the leadership team and our senior copywriter, we applied our design strategy process to establish the foundation for a rebranding effort. Concurrently, we designed and developed an elegant custom website that featured a robust online community space exclusive to Network members. This enabled the Network to engage virtually by way of both a public forum and a secure feature-rich private forum.
The feedback we received from the Network and staff was that our work with Regenerative Network elevated the perception of the organization, externally and internally. It provided the springboard needed to support dramatic growth. AEC Affiliates were drawn magnetically to the Network’s invitation-only Forum events where synergistic partnerships were forged to advance profitable mainstreaming of uber-green building practices and the transformation of the sustainable built environment.
Though the Network has reinvented itself again and technology has changed, we are grateful to have worked with these green building leaders to help coalesce the Regenerative Network brand.
[See click-through gallery of screen shots. Click center of images to enlarge.]